The drama in digital transformation.

Teams are most successful when members know their roles, are actively contributing and clear on expectations. While your team might be happy and engaged one moment, the mention of a transformation can put teams into a state of confusion, overwhelm, frustration and panic. As a result, you end up with triggered people, triggering people.

Empowering your team to communicate more effectively and navigate conflict can make or break the success of transformation work.

The situation

Prior to undertaking a digital transformation, teams are happy and set in their ways. Employees know what they are supposed to be doing, are comfortable doing the work and understand how their contributions impact the organization. There’s been talk of evolving to stay competitive, relevant and financially strong. While the talk is nothing new, action is now being taken.

Employees may find themselves:

  • Concerned about their role

  • Confused about what this means for themselves or teammates

  • Frustrated the focus seems to be on technology

  • Skeptical about the value of an expensive tool

  • Angry things are changing

  • Upset their top vendor wasn’t chosen

  • Worried they won’t fit in the future vision of the team


Investing in team culture and communication is one of the best things you can do in any transformation. Providing tools to help facilitate successful relationships is one of the best things a leader can do to build effective relationships. The CoreStrengths assessment gives teams the knowledge to communicate better in the good times and bad.

The result

Having conducted the CoreStrengths Relationship Intelligence assessment, the value is undeniable. Teams are taught how to communicate more effectively and given the tools to make it happen. No matter the industry or team size, the results are consistent. Teams that leverage a relationship intelligence tool experience:

  • Higher company retention and lower employee turnover

  • Increased employee satisfaction based on employee survey results

  • Better relationships within teams and those they work with

Why it matters

Happy, engaged teams are more productive and motivated. Giving your team the tools to effectively communicate with one another will keep morale high and everyone headed in the same direction. It’s the unseen aspect of digital transformation and, arguably, the most important. 


Leveraging technology to gain productivity.


Knowing when next is best.